Yesterday we did a minor procedure on a 17 year old boy named Luis. He was our last patient of the day, so when we were done with him, he came and sat in the lobby to wait for his mom to pick him up. Dr H went to his office, and I sat at my reception desk working on some things. Everyone else had gone home for the day, so it was just Luis and me up front.
After a while he came over to my counter and ask if I had any suggestions on what he should take for the pain. I told him that Motrin or Tylenol should work just fine and that we normally don't have to prescribe anything. He kind of nodded slowly, but then said that his feet were already starting to bother him. Since there's really no way the local anesthesia could wear off that fast, I started to get suspicious that maybe he was just after drugs or something (unfortunately, when you work at a doctor's office you deal with a lot of druggies). So I told him again that we don't prescribe anything for it and that as soon as he got home he could take some Motrin to ease the pain. He nodded kind of slowly and started to lean heavily on the counter.
And then he collapsed.
I heard a sickening "thud" as he fell out of my view and hit the floor. He was pretty big for a 17yo so there was a lot of weight to go down! It was one of those moments you see in a movie - I sat there stunned for half a second while I processed what had happened, then I jumped up and leaned over my tall reception counter to peer down at him. Then I ran around the desk and was like, "hey! are you okay??" His eyes were open but kind of glazed and he didn't respond, and even though I was obviously flustered, somehow I managed to think clearly enough to drag a chair over to him from the lobby and prop his feet up on it. Then I ran to Dr H's office and even though he was on the phone, I just said "Um. . .I need your help - Luis just like totally passed out on me." I felt like I must have looked kind of crazy, because the words came out in a half panicked/half nervous laughter kind of way. He immediately hung up and and started hurrying toward the lobby and said something like "we need to get his feet up" which, thankfully, I was able to say I had already done. By the time we got to the lobby, the kid was coming around so Dr H just squatted down to tell him that it was a normal reaction and that we just needed to get some blood back to his head. Twenty minutes later the kid was fine and stood up and went home, but geez. I had a headache for hours just from that "thud" echoing through my skull.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Things are never boring when you work for a doctor.
Friday, June 27, 2008
More "fun" times at the doctor's office
Posted by Scarlet at 7:44 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Some words of wisdom
I went driving with my 16 year old sister for the first time last night. Far less terrifying than I had expected, especially since I let her drive my new sports car.
I voted on Tuesday. Yes I did.
My heart aches for my friend. Luv you, L.
And finally, some parting words of wisdom:
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you'll be a mile away and they'll be shoeless. (tehe!)
Posted by Scarlet at 7:30 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Highlights from my week thus far
- I got paid and found out how much my raise was, and it was more than I expected!
- Neal brought home cool presents from Morocco!
- Farm Country was so much fun, and the pictures turned out pretty good!
- I finally got Maddy to say "moo" after 4 months of coaxing!
- I get to go to a party and get prizes tonight!
- My 5th post this month!
All in all, this is shaping up to be a pretty good week!
Posted by Scarlet at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
And Then There Were None
Just as a short synopsis for anyone who doesn't know, "And Then There Were None" is a mystery book about 10 people who wind up on an island together and slowly get killed one by one. Thankfully, it is not at all gruesome, gritty, or scary (one of the reasons I rarely read mysteries is because I get nightmares easily). But it definitely is a mystery, and the ending completely blew me away because I could not figure out who the murderer was!
I read this book because my youngest sister Roshini recently wrote a script called "And Then There Was a Nun" which loosely parallels Agatha Christie's book. It took maybe an hour for her to tell me the whole story of her play, which was very detailed and impressive, so it made me go read the real book so that I would understand better the subtle similarities.
Great stuff. Really, go read it. (I sound like Reading Rainbow)
Posted by Scarlet at 11:45 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Blogger's Block
Well, can I just say that I have a major case of blogger's block. Despite my attempts to think of something clever to post to appease Miri's plea for "more blog" I have failed. Apparantly I blogged 5 times in May, which is actually more than I thought I had. Once a week is not terrible, I guess, except that I'm pretty sure that the first 3 times I blogged all fell within like the first week. Oh well.
Random tidbitties:
1. My first primary activity is coming up! I am pretty dang excited about this, because I think we are going to go to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. I am excited to see all the animals, and feed them, and go on a wagon ride (because I'm pretty sure I'm too old for the pony ride), and pet the animals. . . Oh, and I'm sure the kiddies will like it too, of course. . . .
2. I am very excited for the little-er one to be born. I am very interested to see how my "goddaughter" (laugh) M will take to the new one. I plan on showering them both with lavish gifts (unfortunately not, since they won't really be able to take anything with them in the move, but I wish I could).
3. My allergy medicine does NOT WORK FAST ENOUGH. True, I have been taking it every other day instead of every day like I am supposed to, so that's probably the reason why. But it costs like $1 per pill so I'm trying to stretch them out. But I haven't been able to smell anything since April and it hurts to put makeup on because my eyes are so sore from all the rubbing. I splurged and got some soothing eye stuff from Mary Kay so hopefully that will help.
4. The doctor finally fired my assistant. Hooray! My stress levels have been just through the roof because of her ineptness and my workload feels like it's tripled. We've been doing interviews this week and they're going to let me have the final say on who we hire since I'll be the one working with her.
5. My abs rock. I am very pleased that my daily pilates/kickboxing classes are starting to do their thing.
Also I am pretty loopy today and I'm not completely sure why, so please forgive the craziness in the post. I'll likely delete it later.
Lastly, a comic that is funny from
Posted by Scarlet at 8:34 AM 0 comments