Anyone reading this in Google Reader, stop! Stop now! Because you are going to have to go to my actual blog to view this amazing video I posted at the top of my blog. I was trying to get it up before Christmas, but alas, my lack of technical skills would not allow it. This is my sis, the singer. She has always been a naturally good singer but lately she has started taking voice lessons and really increasing her vocal range. . .as evidenced in this video.
So please watch. She is amazing. (More amazing than this video shows, because for some reason the sound quality on this is horrible. Watch this, but then imagine it 50 times better, because that is how good she is in real life)
And please watch all the way through. The best part is the extremely high Mariah Carey note she hits near the end.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Posted by Scarlet at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Historic Philadelphia
We ended the trip by visiting downtown Philadelphia! Here's what Ayisha would look like if she were money.
Being in the same room as the Liberty Bell was almost a spiritual experience. I had goosebumps the whole time we were near it. Ayisha and I both drool over history involving the founding of America, which is why we decided that would be a perfect way to end our trip.
Standing outside the National Constitution Center.
Benjamin Franklin's grave.
A strange apparition we saw outside the cemetery gate.
Mimicking this statue which is dedicated to the signers of the Declaration.
Ayisha looking philosophical.
Independence Hall. If you've seen National Treasure. . .this is where they look out from the tower where the Liberty Bell used to hang, and then climbed down and removed the brick to find the special glasses.
Posted by Scarlet at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Back to the Babies. . .
We had thought about going to the Statue of Liberty this day, but woke up to a chilly wind. So we abandoned our other plans and went back to visit our friends!
I just want to point out that in this picture I'm wearing a really cute scarf/glove set that Mike's mom got me for Christmas last year. But I couldn't find the matching hat when I was packing! I was so mad. I wish this picture had turned out better. Ayisha spent most of the day holding little miss smiley-pants. . .
. . .and I rebonded with The Little One by watching funny music videos she likes on youtube. I love that she still does the 2-finger slurp.
And nothing's better to end a chilly day than warm lava cake! Yum!
Posted by Scarlet at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This is another model-esque picture of Ayisha that I took in Central Park. Isn't she beautiful!
Posted by Scarlet at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
One of the reasons for our trip
Posted by Scarlet at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Washington D.C. (and some other pictures too)
It says we have 53 SECONDS.
Here I am, starting at the front door within the first 10 seconds of entering our room. I wouldn't let Ayisha touch anything until I had disinfected the entire room.
REALLY foggy in Maryland! This is a view from the bridge we crossed - you can see the railing along the bottom of the pic.
The Smithsonian castle in Washington D.C.
Posted by Scarlet at 6:21 AM 0 comments