I love the view from airplane windows. I think the clouds look like waves!
This does NOT say that we have 53 minutes to get to our tram to catch our connection.
It says we have 53 SECONDS.
I get a little paranoid about germs and hotels. (I mean, have you read the stats???)
Here I am, starting at the front door within the first 10 seconds of entering our room. I wouldn't let Ayisha touch anything until I had disinfected the entire room.
After a VERY long day of waking up early to catch our plane, running to catch our connection, trying to navigate the streets of Philadelphia to get to our hotel in New Jersey (Eastern drivers are CRAZY!) and getting lost about 16 times in the process, we were FAMISHED from not eating all day. Fortunately our hotel gave us complimentary cookies!
The view on our drives have been BEAUTIFUL! I remember thinking in August that the greenery in New Jersey was "lush" - really thick, tall, and gorgeous. Now in November, all the leaves are changing and it is just as stunning!
REALLY foggy in Maryland! This is a view from the bridge we crossed - you can see the railing along the bottom of the pic.
Ayisha and I were able to successfully navigate the metro system!
The Smithsonian castle in Washington D.C.
We visited the Air and Space Museum. We could have EASILY spent all day there. It was fascinating! Plus there were all these interactive things to play with.
Here I am, standing in front of Washington monument. Don't you love my new, red, wool, side-button, J.Crew coat? I do! Unfortunately I didn't get to show it off much - but fortunately that was because it was so warm in D.C. that Ayisha and I both ended up taking our jackets off! It was a gorgeous day! I would have never guessed it was November.
This backdrop of the WWII memorial is completely filled with golden stars. I figured they represented those who gave their lives but I wanted to know more about it, so I looked it up when we got back to the hotel. Here's what I found out:
The Memorial's Freedom Wall includes 4,000 gold stars. Each star represents over 1,000 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve worldwide freedom - over 400,000 Americans in all."+114.jpg)
I really like this view of Washington Monument from Memorial Plaza.
This kid was like, the Duck Whisperer or something. They kept following him around! This is the pool between Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial - the one that Steve Carrell walked into in Get Smart.
I thought this was pretty cool. The sign says "Congratulations President Obama." There was a big board set up so that people could write support messages.
Standing in front of Lincoln Memorial.
Ayisha and I - wasn't it a beautiful day???
This guy was making a rubbing of one of his relative's names that was on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. For some reason I was really touched by this.
Ayisha took this photo - I just love the way it came out! I love how the branches really pop out in the foreground.
Ayisha also took this picture, which I think turned out really pretty. The security around the White House was thick!
I love this picture I took of Ayisha in DC. I think she looks like a model!
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