Tuesday, April 1, 2008

10 Things You Don't Know About Me

I've been encouraged to do the A - Z Tag thing that's been going around lately. However, I am not nearly as eloquent as most of you, and not nearly as patient. :) Instead, I am taking the main idea and twisting into a shorter version, something I like to call. . .

10 Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I went to Japan for the 1998 Olympics
  2. I am a Rubik's Cube master
  3. I have been in 7 car accidents and 1 motorcycle mishap (almost always as a passenger, don't worry)
  4. I have never broken a bone unintentionally
  5. I heart Coke
  6. My grandpa is a potato farmer in Idaho
  7. I secretly don't like dogs very much.
  8. I am a crazy mad Batman fan. I have boxes upon boxes of Batman memoribilia.
  9. I am super good at home repair and construction. I could totally manage an apartment complex if I wanted to.
  10. I have a green thumb of death. All my plants die. I couldn't even keep my cactus alive.


Miri said...

hi! i just found your blog from reading liz's. just thought i'd let you know. :)

O Holy Night