Friday, April 25, 2008


I chose this title because I feel it accurately describes the way I've been feeling lately. Not by ghosts, but by my own dreams!! In the last year or so I feel like I've had WAY too many troubling dreams, the kind where you wake up feeling panicked, and then can't shake the feeling for days.

Lately there are 2 recurring dreams I've been having. The first is about needles. For instance, a couple nights ago I had a dream (or would my dreams more accurately be called nightmares?) where I was running around trying to find my sister Ayisha, who is also a medical assistant, because I needed an insulin shot and couldn't bring myself to do it. So I was searching everywhere for her, and finally found her, and then I couldn't find a needle to fit the syringe. And I was panicking because I knew that if I didn't give myself the shot on time I'd get sick.

The second dream I've been having usually involves this one set of my close guy friends I had in high school and college. (I don't dream about my female friends as much because I get to see them much more often) Last night I dreamed that it was high school graduation again, and they called me to meet me somewhere, so I just kept running all over the city trying to find them, and I was crying because I couldn't find them anywhere. All my dreams run along this line - either I'm trying to find them and can't, or I'm having so much fun with them that when I wake up and realize it was just a dream then I'm really sad.

It's so weird that I dream so much now, because during junior high and high school I hardly dreamed (or rather, remembered my dreams) at all. I remember one point my senior year where I realized that the last time I remembered dreaming was in like 7th grade. I think my dreams got kick-started again because when I sent my missionary off I started dreaming about him or my other friends that had left several times a week. And now I'm just a regular dreamer!

Speaking off: There are only 2 dreams that I had as a child (under the age of 10) that I can remember, and they both involve my sisters. In the first one, a lion escaped from the zoo and came to my house and so we all ran into the house to hide. But my sister Kavita didn't make it in time, so she jumped into the sandbox to hide and the lion jumped in and ate her. In the other dream, my sister Ayisha was hit and killed by a car in the street. Both gruesome, no? I must have been learning about death for the first time at that age or something.

Sorry for the random post. Though I suppose they're ALL random. . .

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Oh, boy.

Yesterday I wore a white skirt to work. I was feeling all confident, and cute, and composed. . .


I went to a medical luncheon at AF Hospital. On my way back out to the car it was my horror to have pointed out to me that I had something on the back of my skirt. For half a moment I thought it was something else, but upon closer inspection, I decided it was chocolate. Since we had been served chocolate chip cookies for dessert at the luncheon, I concluded that there must have been a chocolate chip on my chair. The chair I had just vacated, which means only one person had seen it.

Feeling much better, I then realized something else: I had patients coming into the office in 20 minutes, and the drive from AF Hospital to my office takes 10 minutes.

SO. Quick as a whistle (what does that even mean?) I decided my best option was to buy a new skirt in the next 10 minutes. So I zoomed into the Lindon Walmart, picked up the first skirt I saw that matched my shirt, paid, and left. I got to my office just in time, and the skirt looked great. Saved!

. . .and then this morning when I got in my car to come to work, I brushed some dirt off my driver's seat, and remembered how my windows had been open a couple days ago when we had that dust storm.

Dang. Maybe I DID have the stain on my skirt all morning.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The difference between hostility and hospitality is pi(e).

Thursday, April 3, 2008


My Indian grandma is visiting because of conference (my mom's family does conference translation). As a result, I anticipate eating a lot more Indian food this week than normal. This is of course fine - but if only it weren't so spicy!!! My grandma definitely cooks way spicier than my mom does. My mom brought me some lunch at work today that apparantly my grandma had made for me. It's so hot it's making my nose run! (To be fair, I have a lower "hot-spicy" tolerance than most people.)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

10 Things You Don't Know About Me

I've been encouraged to do the A - Z Tag thing that's been going around lately. However, I am not nearly as eloquent as most of you, and not nearly as patient. :) Instead, I am taking the main idea and twisting into a shorter version, something I like to call. . .

10 Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I went to Japan for the 1998 Olympics
  2. I am a Rubik's Cube master
  3. I have been in 7 car accidents and 1 motorcycle mishap (almost always as a passenger, don't worry)
  4. I have never broken a bone unintentionally
  5. I heart Coke
  6. My grandpa is a potato farmer in Idaho
  7. I secretly don't like dogs very much.
  8. I am a crazy mad Batman fan. I have boxes upon boxes of Batman memoribilia.
  9. I am super good at home repair and construction. I could totally manage an apartment complex if I wanted to.
  10. I have a green thumb of death. All my plants die. I couldn't even keep my cactus alive.

O Holy Night