Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hair Care

Whenever something particularly stressing occurs in my life, I change my hair. I don't know why.

When I started college I bleached my hair to a dark wood-sy brown color.

When my boyfriend left on his mission, I dyed my hair raven black. Now this may not sound like much, but if you realized how really not black my hair is, you'd realize it was a noticeable change.

When I moved out for the first time and got in a huge fight with this queen bee roommate of mine, I went to St. George and came back with a head full of golden highlights. (This was double treatment - I was simultaneously in the middle of trying to discourage one of my best guy friends at the time from liking me romantically. We never did recover from that.)

When I moved away and was crying all the time because I missed living with my best friend and other single pals, I chopped my hair off.

When I was working 24/7 to finish my independent study classes so I could graduate on time, and all the other stresses from this summer - I had my hair layered, no small feat with hair as long as mine.

Today I am sporting bangs. Yes bangs, but not ones from the 90s. I like them quite a bit. :)


O Holy Night